The latest position of the founder at the Law Office Gani Djemat & Partners was a Partner and the Head of the Litigation Department.
In his professional organization, Wenceslaus La Rangka is a member of the Indonesian Advocate Association or Asosiasi Advokat Indonesia (AAI) of South Jakarta, appointed as one of the members of the Advisory Board, and before Jakarta Brach was divided into 5(five) areas, he was the Secretary I of the Honorary Council of Jakarta Branch.
Besides legal services, our law firm also provides translation services for legal documents, being supported by the qualification of Wenceslaus La Rangka as a sworn translator pursuant to the Decree of the Governor of the Jakarta Special Region Number : 937 Year 1991 dated June 27, 1991 and Dra. Sunarsih La Rangka, SH., as a certified translator for legal documents.
Some of our clients for legal services include :
- Rolex S.A., Geneva, Switzerland.
- (The Late) Mr. Radius Prawiro.
- The Family of (the late) Mr. Radius Prawiro, Jakarta.
- PT. Kariza Viratama, Jakarta.
- PT. Siam Maspion Polymers, Surabaya.
- PT. Indoguna Utama, Jakarta.
- PT. Dwicitra Usahatama, Jakarta.
- Museum S Sudjojono, Jakarta.
- PT. Karya Saleh Bahana, Jakarta.
- PT. Knowledge Hub International, Jakarta.
- TIFA Foundation, Jakarta.
- PT. Pentagro Fertila Utama, Jakarta.
- PT. Taira Markas, Jakarta.
- PT. Bangunsukses Niagatama Nusantara, Jakarta.
- PT. Intiroda Maju Sejahtera, Jakarta.
- Other Private Parties.
Some of our translation clients include :
- Notary Poerbaningsih Adiwarsito, Jakarta.
- The Family of (the late) Mr. Radius Prawiro, Jakarta.
- PT. Kariza Viratama, Jakarta.
- Museum S. Sudjojono, Jakarta.
- PT. Ryorongkar, Jakarta.
- PT. Graha Megaria (Cilandak Town House).
- Erwin Kallo Co., Jakarta.
- Gani Djemat & Partners, Jakarta.
- PT. Japelkom, Jakarta.
- Asian Development Bank, Jakarta.
- PT. Asia Pasific Multi Corporation, Jakarta.
- Others Private Parties.
For further information, please contact :
Jalan Tiga Putra 119, Kota Depok 16515
Tel.: (62-21) 77.88.5959
Fax: (62-21) 77.88.7072
Or :
1. Wenceslaus La Rangka, SH. Mobile : 0812.975.76.52
2. Dra. Sunarsih La Rangka, SH. Mobile : 0813.165.89.955
3. Abimanyu SM. Soeharto, SH.MH. Mobile : 0815.913.89.79